Review: A turning for Aussie cinema

If The Turning is one thing, it’s an introduction to future Australian film makers. And judging by the talent on display within, we’re in the most capable of hands.

Created by Balibo director Robert Connolly and developed around Tim Winton’s multiple award-winning collection of individual stories, The Turning’s 17 episodes are an alluring collection of short films based on a handful of reoccurring characters, mainly of the Lang family, and the people who fill their lives.

The central character to The Turning is the enigmatic Victor Lang, portrayed by eight different actors throughout including the adored Richard Roxburgh, the electrifying Dan Wyllie and young aboriginal newcomer Joseph Pendley.

“Wasikowska illustrates extraordinary craftsmanship with Long, Clear View.”

While each short bears an incredible emotional weight everyone is bound to find a relatable element within The Turning. For me it was young Vic Lang’s peculiar habits in Mia Wasikowska’s directorial debut Long, Clear View which touched on certain aspects of my childhood.

Wasikowska illustrates extraordinary craftsmanship with Long, Clear View, no doubt influenced by her own experiences working with some of Australia’s finest directors including John Hillcoat and Greg Mclean.

In one of The Turning’s most shocking chapters titled The Turning, Rose Burn’s return to Australian screens is an impressive showcase of the young actress’s talent. She’s both funny and fearless as bogan domestic violence victim, Rae who develops a mismatched friendship with born-again Christians Sherry and Dan.

While The Turning at times lacks the pace of the source material it’s an hypnotic, fervent and stunningly gorgeous film and a spectacular achievement for everyone involved.

Tim Winton’s The Thurning: 4.5/5
Created by: Robert Connolly
Staring: Cate Blanchette, Rose Byrne, Miranda Otto, Richard Roxburgh, Hugo Weaving
Review byMatthew Eeles

2 thoughts on “Review: A turning for Aussie cinema

  1. Pingback: The Turning on ABC1 | Cinema Australia

  2. Pingback: Promotions, Reviews for The Turning (Incl Hugo Weaving video interviews); Mystery Road Previews | Hugonuts WordPress

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